Impianto Strada A n°36, Zona Ind.le San Zeno

Tipo ATTO: Autorizzazione Gestione Rifiuti

Tipo Provvedimento: Decreto dirigenziale Regione Toscana

Oggetto provvedimento: gestione rifiuti ai sensi dell’art.208 del D.Lgs.152/2006

N. Provvedimento: 12747

Data Inizio Aut.: 14/06/2023

Data fine Aut.: 30/06/2033

Impianto Strada A n°46, Zona Ind.le San Zeno

Tipo ATTO: Autorizzazione Unica Ambientale

Tipo Provvedimento: Decreto Dirigenziale Regione Toscana

Oggetto provvedimento: comunicazione in materia rifiuti ai sensi dell’art.214 e 216 del D.Lgs.152/2006, emissioni in atmosfera ai sensi dell’art.269 del D.Lgs.152/2006, inquinamento acustico

N. Provvedimento: 20379

Data Inizio Aut.: 11/12/2020

Data fine Aut.: 10/12/2035

Impianto Strada B n°4, Zona Ind.le San Zeno

Tipo ATTO: Autorizzazione Gestione Rifiuti

Tipo Provvedimento: SUAP comune di Arezzo

Oggetto provvedimento: comunicazione in materia rifiuti ai sensi dell’art.214 e 216 del D.Lgs.152/2006

N. Provvedimento: 401

Data Inizio Aut.: 19/01/2023

Data fine Aut.: 18/01/2028

Autorizzazioni al traporto rifiuti

Tipo ATTO: iscrizione n°FI33886

Tipo Provvedimento: Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali (Sezione Regionale della Toscana)

Oggetto provvedimento: comunicazione in materia rifiuti ai sensi dell’art.212 del D.Lgs.152/2006

Categoria: 4 f trasporto rifiuti speciali non pericolosi

Data Inizio Aut.: 25/05/2022 (precedente: voltura da Cabro data inizio 22.01.2021)

Data fine Aut.: 25/05/2027 (precedente: voltura da Cabro data fine 24.05.2022)

Categoria: 5 f trasporto rifiuti speciali pericolosi

Data Inizio Aut.: 22/01/2021

Data fine Aut.: 25/08/2025


Caurum has implemented a quality, environmental and safety management system compliant with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards, respecting the environment and workplace safety.

The certification process was successfully concluded in May 2023.

In 2022 Caurum has achieved two important goals through certifications: Responsible Jewelery -Rjc and Chain of Custody (CoC).

As a certified member, Caurum has therefore been recognized for its commitment to responsible business and a sustainable business path, providing assurance of probity of its products and materials.
All precious metals, which are processed and which leave the company comply with Rjc & CoC certifications.
These certificates offer customers and suppliers the guarantee of a secure supply chain, from origin to final treatment, in respect of human rights, protecting the environment and fulfilling all correct management practices.

In 2021, the company has implemented and adopted an organizational model which frames the quality, environment and safety certifications ex Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

After a first phase of analysis, strictly functional to the identification of the corporate activities theoretically exposed to the risks ex Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, Caurum has carried out the following issues:

• Risk Assessment;

• The Model in its general part and in its special parts relating to the individual areas of predicate offense contained in Legislative Decree 231/2001 with the operating procedures (protocols) for the areas at risk;

• the Code of Ethics;

• the Regulation and Statute of the Supervisory Body;

• the Corporate training plan and definition of internal reporting methods.

The 231 Model as a whole, together with the environment, quality and safety and RJC certifications, represents a tool of protection towards customers, suppliers, workers and administrators and it testifies the commitment of Caurum to ensure the compliances with all the mandatory and voluntary obligations undertaken by the company general management.

In May 2024 Caurum has obtained ESG rating by Cerved.

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